Catherine Burgess: New Small Studies

17 October - 9 November 2024
Opening Reception with Artist
Thursday, October 17, 7 - 9 PM

Increasingly over the last few years my interest has focused on making the immaterial
appear more substantive in my sculptures. In the Folds Series I attempt to bend space
to make our awareness of it more palpable. This perception of “bent” space is made
more impactful by contrasting it with the materiality of a very hard, flat, square plane.
The Distances consist of two vertical rectangular elements that differ in physicality,
situated at either end of a linear plane. This planar floor element is simultaneously a
separator and a connector. Its inclusion activates the space between the rectangles and
emphasizes the contrast between their diverse form and materiality. It also contributes
to a possible narrative or “conversation” taking place between the upright elements.
The Places are arrangements where elements are situated on different bases (a round
disc, a section of an I-beam or a hollow cube.) The smaller, added elements appear to
inhabit their supports, thus creating a sense of place.
The Spans have linear and planar elements that extend in two directions from an
upright stainless half-cylinder. These extensions become the logical completion, or
resolution to a narrative initiated by the presence of the half-cylinders.
Catherine Burgess
September, 2024